Friday, March 7, 2008

To 'Blog' or Not to 'Blog' . . .

You, too, can be a 'blogger' . . . Just create your account, sign in with your email address and password, click on 'New Post', and compose. Simple. We'd love to hear your stories!


Anonymous said...

Good for you, Marge !!! So glad to hear that you had a good time and all those "Fraidy-cats" satyed home.
The Wintermuth clan is thinking of skiing on Easter weekend. We are still trying to get things arranged, with a watchful eye on the weather.. but as Marge's experience proves,good sking does not necessarily correlate to good weather reports !!!

George Hess said...

Good luck guys, we were at Bell Ayre this past weekend and its snowed both days. Ya just never know.